Almond Pollination Feb 16, 2022
Our daughter’s top bar hive is still alive! Good information on what is going on in all hives this time
Should I treat my package Bees with Oxalic acid? Short answer is we don’t recommend it. Now for the lists
Why don’t you insulate your hives? If the hive is strong, has low mites, health bees and plenty of food,
Hi fellow bee enthusiasts, I haven’t posted too much this winter, when its this cold you should be leaving them
Here is a look at what is happening! We are having an abnormally warm October, this isn’t great for the
It is fall, we’re harvesting honey, pulling honey supers, and taking our bees back down to 2 deep 10 frame
Here is a hive in the process of being robbed by strong colonies. You can see the fighting and the
Checking for mites in drone brood is a great way to get a feel for what is coming as far
Checking hives for weight, this hive is not heavy enough. We just pulled 2 supers full of honey off this