Culinary Garlic


Culinary garlic are 1.5-1.75 inch diameter bulbs. For cooking many people prefer smaller bulbs/cloves so this is the product for you! You get the foodie flavor of our gourmet garlic without the premium seed prices! Store hardnecks 2-4 months, softnecks 4-6. See descriptions below, order in 1 lb increments.

FAQ: Can you plant culinary garlic? Absolutely! Will you be disappointed with the results? Absolutely! So get this to eat, if you want to grow your own, pick up some bigger bulbs/cloves from our seed stock so you get better results!

Please Note Shipping Time: If your order only contains culinary garlic it will ship/is available for pick up beginning August 1st. If your order contains both culinary and seed garlic this will ship with your seed order in September or on your specified ship date. If you need us to ship your garlic and want culinary now and seed garlic later, please make 2 orders! Thank you!


SKU: N/A Category:

Asian Tempest: Hardneck This variety produces small, flavorful, very hot bulbs that sweeten with cooking. Honestly one of our favorite varieties for flavor, I love it sauteed with summer squash! Originated in South Korea.

German Red: Hardneck This garlic is strong and spicy and is a favorite for chefs and foodies for flavor! It has nicely rounded bulbs with purple-splashed outer skins. The cloves are reddish brown, and each bulb will have between 8 to 12 cloves.  The clove skins have great color and are very easy to peel. Medium storage when well cured.

Korean Red: Hardneck Very Hot, not for the timid garlic fan. This varietyhas purple striped, round bulbs containing 6 to 8 large purple cloves that are very easy to peel. Medium Storage when cured well.

Spanish Roja:Hardneck This gourmet garlic is famous for its rich, robust, earthy flavor. It has nicely shaped bulbs with reddish-slashed coverings. Bulbs contain 8 to 12 buff to red colored, easy to peel cloves. This variety is a long time favorite of chefs and market gardeners. Cure well ,  medium storage.

Music: Hardneck Hot and spicy with a long lasting bite. This excellent porcelain garlic produces large clean-looking, symmetrical white bulbs with some of the largest, easy to work with cloves. Each large bulb will contain 2 to 6 extra large, rose-buff colored, easy to peel cloves. If you are looking for big cloves this is it!

Weight 1 lbs
Garlic Variety

Asian, German, Spanish Roja, Music, Korean, Chesnok, Italian, Incheliulm

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